How to Find the best Wi-Fi Channel for your router on any OS.

The company form of organisation has been popular and
successful in almost all the countries. This form is suitable where large
resources are required and the production has to be carried out on a large
scale. The number of joint stock companies has shown a phenomenal increase in
the twentieth century. Let us now discuss the merits and limitations of the
company form of organisation.
1 Large
capital: Since company form of organisations are allowed to have a
large number of shareholders, it is possible to raise capital in large amounts.
Whenever new capital is required, it can issue shares and debentures. For this
reason, only the company form of organisation is best suited.
2 Limited
liability: The liability of shareholders, unless and otherwise
stated, is limited to the face value of the shares held by them or guarantee
given by them. Their private property is not attachable to recover the dues of
the company. Thus, this form of organisation is a great attraction to persons
who are not willing to take risk as is inherent in sole proprietorship and
3 Stability
of existence: A company has a separate legal entity with perpetual
succession. The corporation is not affected by lunacy or insolvency of a
shareholder, director or officer. The continuity of the company is desirable in
the interest of not only its members but also the society.
4 Economies
of scale: As companies operate on a large scale, they can take
advantage of large scale buying, selling, production, etc. As a result of these
economies of large-scale operations, companies can provide goods to consumers
at a cheaper price.
5 Scope
for expansion: As there is no limit to the maximum number of
shareholders in a public limited company expansion of business is easy by
issuing new shares and debentures. Companies normally keep part of their
profits as reserve and use them for expansion.
Public confidence:
Companies are subject to Government controls and regulations. Their accounts
are audited by a chartered accountant and are to be published. This creates
confidence in the public about the functioning of the company.
Transferability of shares: The shares of the public limited company
can be sold at any time in the stock exchange. Shareholders can sell their
shares whenever they want. There is no need to take the consent of other
shareholders. Thus, shareholders can convert their shares into cash at any time
without much difficulty.
8 Professional
management: You know that the management of a company is in the
hands of the directors who are elected by shareholders. Normally, experienced
persons are elected as directors. You also know that day-to-day activities are
managed by salaried managers. These managers are the experts in their
respective fields. As companies have large scale operations and profits,
attracting good professional managers is easy by paying attractive salaries.
Thus, company form of organisation gets the services of professionals on the
Board of Directors and in various management positions.
9 Tax
benefits: Companies pay income tax at flat rates. There is no
provision for slab system in the taxation of companies. As a result, companies
pay lower taxes on higher incomes compared to other forms of organisations.
Companies also get some tax concessions if they are established in backward
10 Risk
diffused: As the membership is very large, the business risk is
divided among the several members of the company. This is an advantage for
small investors.
Difficulty in formation: Promotion of a company is not as simple as
proprietorships and partnerships. A number of persons known as promoters should
be ready to associate themselves with it for getting a company incorporated. A
lot of legal formalities are to be performed at the time of registration.
Promotion of a company is expensive as well as complicated.
2 Lack of
secrecy: The management of companies is usually in the hands of many
persons. Everything is discussed in the meetings of Board of Directors.
Therefore, compared to sole trader and partnership concerns, maintaining
business secrets is relatively difficult in a company form of organisation.
3 Delay
in decision making: In company form of organisation all important
decisions are taken by either the Board of Directors or shareholders in their
meetings. Hence, decision making process is time consuming. If a quick decision
is needed it will be difficult to arrange meetings all of a sudden. So, some
business opportunities may be lost because of delay in decision making.
4 Neglect
of minority interest:
The representatives of the majority group of shareholders become the
members in the Board of Directors. The shareholders who are in minority never
get representation on the Board of Directors. As a consequence, the interests
of the minority members may be neglected and oppressed at the hands of the
majority group.
Concentration of economic power: The company form of organisation
gives scope for concentration of economic power in a few hands. Some persons
become directors in a number of companies and formulate policies to promote
their personal interests. The shares of a number of other companies are
purchased to create subsidiary companies.
Establishment of subsidiary companies and interlocking of
directorships have facilitated concentration of economic power in the hands of
a few business houses.
6 Lack of
personal interest: In sole proprietorship and partnership firms
business is managed by owners themselves. In company form of organisation,
day-to-day management is vested with the salaried executives who do not have
any personal interest in the company. This may lead to reduced employee
motivation and result inefficiency.
7 More
government restrictions: The company is subject to many restrictions
from which the proprietorships and partnerships are exempted. So, it has to
spend considerable time and effort in complying with the various legal
8 Fraudulent management: There is a possibility that some unscrupulous
promoters may float a bogus company, issue shares and collect money. Later on,
they can set away with the money by putting the company in liquidation. It is
also possible that the directors and professional managers may misuse the
company resources for their personal benefit and bring losses to the company.
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