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  Are you facing problems with your Wi-Fi connection at home cutting in and out, or do you have issues with it running way too slower than it should? The first thing I would suggest and that you may have already done to fix this is to power down your Router for 20 or 30 seconds, then turn it back on again depending on the cause of your problem. This may fix it, but occasionally they hang up for some reason and need to be reset, and powering them off and back on again fixes it.

Health Benefits of Star Anise


health benefits of star anise

Star Anise is a medium-sized evergreen tree, with a straight, rounded trunk and green, glabrous branchlets. Star anise grows on a tree scientifically called Illicium verum. It is a star-shaped fruit. The star shape holds the seeds in them. The tree grows year-round, bearing fruit usually in the autumn. It is relatively small. Its stem is erect, round, and grooved and branched above.

Many times, Star anise gets confused with aniseed (a relative of the fennel plant) as both possess a sweet, black liquorice-like scent, and essential oils for both seeds contain active compound anethole.

Star anise is a typical Asian cuisine ingredient; its popularity is steadily growing in the West. It has a beautiful shape, but it also possesses medicinal remedies that treat various infections and help indigestion.


 In this article, we’ll discuss some of the health benefits of this exotic star-shaped spice.


Health benefit of Star Anise


Star anise has various medical benefits. It has some active compounds that carry a sweet smell and taste profiles that possess many medicinal attributes. It is a well-known digestive aid used to relieve cramps, indigestion, gas bloating, and indigestion. It is enriched with anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin- A and vitamin-C. Its seeds are abundant sources of B-complex vitamins such as thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin, and riboflavin, which increase the brain's neuro-chemicals.

From the ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic remedies to modern science, star anise research and applications continue to grow, identifying more benefits.  

Let's take a closer look at some of the benefits of this exotically common spice.



Fights against bacteria


Star anise is an antibacterial agent. Many researchers have also tested it. Its oil is useful in declining cough due to asthma and bronchitis due to its expectorant property. Apart from that, star anise is effective against almost 70 drug-resistant bacterial strains.

Star anise extract can stop bacteria such as Escherichia coli, which causes various respiratory and digestive issues. It effectively prevents three different kinds of bacteria species. Some acids, like Shikimic acid, anethole, and linalool, found in star anise, have strong antibacterial properties.

It also contains mighty anti-fungal benefits. It can fight harmful mould and yeast strains such as Candida albicans. Albicans is a common strain that lives in the skin, GI tract, and mucus membrane. These bacteria can cause numerous discomforts, including vaginal yeast infections in women. Anethole in star anise inhibits the growth of these fungal strains.

Star anise’s also have potential antimicrobial properties. It is also used as tea tonics to stop the growth of unhealthy fungi and bacteria. There is extraordinary antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic abilities in this unique spice. 



Effective in flu treatment

health benefits of star anise in flu


Star anise is very effective in treating Flu and viruses. It is a good source of Shikimic acid and has a potent antiviral property when it combines with another compound, quercetin, an antioxidant fatty substance. When these two chemicals mix, they help to prevent influenza.

There is a possibility that it can treat bird flu; scientists are researching this combination.

Star anise is the best source of antioxidants that boost immunity and reduce infection risk compared to other fruits and vegetables. 

Shikimic acid found in star anise is used for over 30 years to produce an antiviral vaccine, Oseltamivir (also known as Tamiflu, a drug used to treat bird flu). 

So, next time you’re feeling the chills, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, or another cold-like symptom, consider brewing a cup of star anise.



 Improved Digestion


Star anise is usually used as a tea, particularly in South East Asian countries and China. It is mostly used to deal with various digestive complaints such as gas, abdominal cramps, indigestion, bloating, and constipation. If you are suffering from any digestive condition, it is best to drink the tea after your meals. Star anise is extensively used to treat different digestive ailments such as stomach pain, infections, constipation, and indigestion and in preparation of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines


Star anise contains a significant amount of fiber. Fiber bulks up with water stimulating the digestive tract and reducing constipation. Fiber further binds to bile salts, decreasing their re-absorption in the colon and lowering harmful cholesterol levels.


Women’s health

Star anise is traditionally used to help women during pregnancy and milk production for new mothers. It is often recommended by Chinese practitioners during pregnancy and also after pregnancy.

It is recommended because it boosts the immune system of the mothers at that critical stage. Anethole found in star anise had an estrogenic effect, which modulates hormonal functions in women.


When women deliver their first child or via cesarean (C) section is done, sometimes mothers face difficulty in producing milk. A traditional remedy for new mothers and wet nurses has long been licorice-type spices, including star anise.  



Beneficial for sleep disorders


According to research, Star anise has mild sedative properties, which can help your nerves settle down and ensure a good night’s sleep. If you face difficulty getting to sleep, you must try a cup of soothing star anise tea before going to bed. It is one of the beauty treatments for sleeping difficulty.

Stress causes restlessness or insomnia as star anise has sedative properties that modulate some of the involved neurotransmitters and hormones. Star anise essential oil has a soothing licorice-like smell producing an aromatherapeutic effect. 


Final Words

Star anise is an fragrant and flavourful fruit native to China. It has a 3000 plus-year-old history as a valuable culinary spice and healing tonic building its popularity throughout the Asian continent. It is rich in vitamin and minerals and the essential oils are packed with powerful polyphenols like anethole, linalool, estragole, pipene, and limonene. Together these phytonutrients boost the immune system, balance hormones/neurotransmitters, improve organ and bone health, fight bacteria/viruses and fungi, decrease oxidative stress, and variety of health conditions and diseases.


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