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  Are you facing problems with your Wi-Fi connection at home cutting in and out, or do you have issues with it running way too slower than it should? The first thing I would suggest and that you may have already done to fix this is to power down your Router for 20 or 30 seconds, then turn it back on again depending on the cause of your problem. This may fix it, but occasionally they hang up for some reason and need to be reset, and powering them off and back on again fixes it.

What is a Sole trader organisation? Discuss its features, merits and limitations.



Sole trader features, merits & limitations-Studentsopedia

The sole trader organisation (also called proprietorship) is the oldest form of organisation and the most common form of organisation for small business even today. It is the simplest and easiest to form. What is required is that an individual decides about the type of business to be started and arranges the necessary capital. Required capital may be mobilised from his own savings, or may be borrowed from friends and relatives. The business may be carried either in a portion of his own residence or in a rented building. The person generally manages the business on his own. He may also take the help of his family members or employ some persons, if necessary. He can take the advice from others in running the business, but his own will be the final decision. Thus, the sole trader enjoys full control over the affairs of the firm. He enjoys all the profits earned by the business. So, in case of loss, naturally, he has to bear the full burnt of it.

Thus, we can now define sole trader organisation as "one man's business in which an individual produces independently with his own capital, skill and intelligence and is entitled to receive all the profits and assumes all the risks of ownership". J.L. Hanson defines it as "a type of business unit where one person is solely responsible for providing the capital for bearing the risk of the enterprise and for the management of the business". Under this form of business organisation, no distinction is made between the business concern and the proprietor. Likewise, the management rests with the same person.

Main Features

Based on the above discussion. we can list the main features of sole trader organisation as follows:

1-      One-man ownership: The ownership lies with one person only. There are no associates or pa-triers He invests his own money or borrows from the friends and relatives.

2-      No separation of ownership and management: The owner himself manages the business. Therefore, the separation of ownership and management which is quite common in big business is not present in this form of organisation. Since the proprietor himself manages the business, he exercises a high degree of supervision and control in the working of his business.

3-      No separate entity: The business does not have an entity separate from the owner. The proprietor and the business enterprise are one and the same.

4-      All profits to proprietor: Since there are no partners, all the profits are enjoyed by the sole proprietor.

5-      Individual risk: All losses in the business are borne by the proprietor himself.

6-      Unlimited Liability: The proprietor has an unlimited liability. This means that in case of loss even the personal property of the owner can be utilised for clearing the business obligations and debts.

7-      Less legal formalities: To set up sole proprietorship, no legal formalities sire required, Of course, there are some legal restrictions for the setting up of a particular type of business. For example, an individual cannot start a hank or an insurance company. But one can start a fruit stall or a cycle shop without much legal formalities. However, in some cases a license may be required. For example, to start a restaurant, you need license from municipal corporation.

Sole trader features, merits & limitations-Studentsopedia

Merits and Limitations

You have learnt about the main features of the sole-trade business, In view of these features, this form of organisation has the following merits and limitations.


1-      Easy formation: There are no legal formalities to be observed while starting this form of organisation. Therefore, its formation is very easy and simple. The expenditure involved in the process of formation is also negligible.

2-      Direct motivation: As you know, all the profits and gains of the business are solely and exclusively pocketed by the sole proprietor. This motivates the proprietor to work hard and develop the business to get more and more profits. His involvement in the business is, therefore, complete and free.

3-      Full control: The proprietor is the monarch of the business he owns. He manages the whole business and takes all decisions himself. In other words, proprietor exercises full control over the functioning and working of the business.

4-      Quick decision: The proprietor does not depend on others for decision making. Since there are no partners, he is not required to consult others. This enables the proprietor to take quick decisions on numerous matters concerning his business.

5-      Flexibility in operations: Being a small organisation it is easy to bring changes if situation so demands. In a large sized organisation to bring changes is difficult.

6-      Secrecy: Since. the whole business is handled by the proprietor his business secrets are known to him only. He is not bound to publish his accounts. Therefore, the degree of secrecy is the highest in this form of organisation.

7-      Personal touch: When the proprietor handles everything relating to the business himself, it is easy to maintain a personal rapport with the customers. He can easily know their tastes, likes and dislikes and adjust his operations accordingly. Similarly, in this form of organisation, employees, if any, work directly under the proprietor. So, it gives scope for the proprietor to maintain harmonious relations with the employees.

8-       Dissolution easy: Since there are no co-owners or partners, there is no scope for the difference of opinion in the case of dissolution of business. The proprietor is free to withdraw from the business or to sell it at any time he wants. Because of ease in formation and withdrawal, proprietorship form is often used to test business ideas.


1-      Limited resources: The capital and other resources of an individual are always limited. The sole trader has to mainly rely on his own money and earnings, or he can borrow, if necessary, from relatives and friends. Thus, the proprietor has a limited capacity to raise funds. This makes it difficult to plan any large- scale expansion.

2-      Limited managerial capability: In the modern business, knowledge and skills in various fields like production, finance, marketing, etc., are required. It is not possible for a single individual to possess expertise in all these areas. So, his decisions may not be balanced.

3-      Not suitable for large scale operation: Since the resources of the sole trader are limited, it is suitable only for small business and not for large scale operations.

4-      Unlimited liability: You know that the proprietor has an unlimited liability. In case of a loss, even his personal property and belongings can be utilised for clearing business obligations. Therefore, he cannot take much risk and is discouraged from expansion of his business.

5-      Less stability: The continuity and stability of the business depends solely on one person. When the man dies, there is a likelihood of closure of the business.

6-      No check and control: As the sole trader is the monarch of the business, no outsider can question him on his acts and deals. There are no checks and controls on the sole trader.

7-      Less scope for economies of scale: Sole trader usually operates on small scale only. So, he can not enjoy the benefits of large scale production or buying or selling. This may raise the cost of business operations.



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